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Keyboard Shortcuts

Use this handy guide to learn keyboard shortcuts. Using keyboard shortcuts can speed up and enhance your Internet experience!

All Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Most Programs
Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Internet Explorer 7
Keyboard Shortcuts Mozilla Firefox
Keyboard Shortcuts for Safari (Mac OS X)

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Most Programs

ALT + ENTERView properties of the selected item
ALT + ESCSend current application behind any other open windows
ALT + F4Close active window
ALT + PRNT SCRNCopy active window to clipboard
ALT + SPACEBAROpen active window file menu
ALT + TABSwitch between open items
BACKSPACEGo one level up from the directory you are in
CTRL + ASelect All
CTRL + ALT + DEL (twice)Restart windows if frozen
CTRL + ARROW (L/R)Jump cursor word by word
CTRL + ARROW (U/D)Jump cursor to start of line
CTRL + BBold highlighted text
CTRL + CCopy highlighted text
CTRL + Drag ItemCopies selected item
CTRL + ESCOpen windows start menu
CTRL + FOpen the find window
CTRL + IItalicize highlighted text
CTRL + PPrint the active window
CTRL + QQuit the active program
CTRL + SSave active window
CTRL + SHIFT + ARROW(L/R)Highlight word by word
CTRL + SHIFT + ARROW(U/D)Highlight line by line
CTRL + UUnderline highlighted text
CTRL + VPaste highlighted text
CTRL + WClose the active window
CTRL + XCut highlighted text
CTRL + ZUndo last change
F1Open active program help files
F2Rename selected item
F3Open "Find All Files" window
F4Display the items in the active list in a dialog box
F5Refresh the current window
F6Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F10Activate the menu bar in the current program
PRNT SCRNCopy screen to the clipboard
SHIFT (hold) during start-upPrevent items in the Startup folder from running
SHIFT + DELPermanently delete a file by bypassing the Recycle Bin



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