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Keyboard Shortcuts

Use this handy guide to learn keyboard shortcuts. Using keyboard shortcuts can speed up and enhance your Internet experience!

All Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Most Programs
Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Internet Explorer 7
Keyboard Shortcuts Mozilla Firefox
Keyboard Shortcuts for Safari (Mac OS X)

Keyboard Shortcuts for Safari (Mac OS X)

CMD + ?Open help
CMD + [Go back
CMD + ]Go forward
CMD + .Stop
CMD + ,Open preferences
CMD + /Show/hide status bar
CMD + |Show/hide address bar
CMD + \Show page load test window
CMD + =Define in OmniDictionary
CMD + ;Check spelling
CMD + -Zoom out
CMD + +Zoom in
CMD + ASelect all
CMD + BShow/hide favorites bar
CMD + CCopy selection to the clipboard
CMD + CLICKOpen link in a new tab or window
CMD + DAdd a bookmark
CMD + DOWN ARROWScroll to bottom-left corner of window
CMD + EUse selection for find
CMD + RETURNOpen page in new window or tab
CMD + FFind in current page
CMD + GFind again
CMD + HHide Safari
CMD + JJump to selection
CMD + KBlock pop-up windows
CMD + LOpen location...
CMD + NOpen a new window
CMD + NUMBERS 1-9Open bookmarks 1-9
CMD + OOpen a file
CMD + OPTION + >Send to...
CMD + OPTION + ,Open SafariStand settings
CMD + OPTION + BOpen bookmarks library
CMD + OPTION + FSelect the Google search box
CMD + PPrint the current tab, window, or active frame
CMD + QQuit
CMD + RReload the current page
CMD + SSave the current page
CMD + SHIFT + :Spelling...
CMD + SHIFT + *Get AppleScript results
CMD + SHIFT + AAutoFill form
CMD + SHIFT + BSend to Bluetooth Device (or bookmark group of tabs)
CMD + SHIFT + CLICKOpen link in a new tab or window
CMD + SHIFT + DAdd bookmark to menu
CMD + SHIFT + FFullscreen
CMD + SHIFT + GFind previous
CMD + SHIFT + HGo to the home page
CMD + SHIFT + KBlock images and plug-ins
CMD + SHIFT + LSearch using Google
CMD + SHIFT + LEFT ARROWSelect previous tab
CMD + SHIFT + MMaximize window size
CMD + SHIFT + NCreate a new bookmark folder
CMD + SHIFT + POpen page setup for printing
CMD + SHIFT + SStart sampling
CMD + SHIFT + TStop sampling
CMD + SHIFT + UOpen URL in OmniWeb
CMD + SHIFT + RETURNOpen page in new window or tab
CMD + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROWSelect next tab
CMD + SHIFT + WClose window
CMD + TOpen a new tab
CMD + UP ARROWScroll to top-left corner of window
CMD + VPaste clipboard contents to selection
CMD + WClose current tab or window
CMD + XRemove selection and copy to the clipboard
CMD + ZUndo
ENDScroll to bottom-left corner of window
DELETEDelete selection or go back one page
ESCStop loading a page
F5SafariStand bar
OPTION + ARROW KEYSScroll the page by the screen size
OPTION + CLICKDownload selected file
Pops up a menu displaying previous and next 10 URL entries
Put selected items in new bookmarks folder
PAGE DOWNScroll to the end of a page by the screen size
PAGE UPScroll to the top of a page by the screen size
SHIFT + DELETEGo forward
SPACEBARScroll up or down a page by the screen size
TABNavigate through all browser and webpage items
UP ARROWScroll up



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