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SSL Certificates

Select Your SSL Plan: BasicStandardPremium
  Plan Features
Price per Year


Now $89.95


Now $129.95


Now $199.95
Great For: Individuals to small business conducting low value transactions. Small business websites conducting medium value transactions. Web sites where you want to secure the main domain and all subdomains.
Site Seal
SSL Encryption 128/256 bit 128/256 bit 128/256 bit
Browser Coverage 99.3% 99.3% 99.3%
Warranty $50,000 $50,000 $50,000
Wildcard (All Subdomains) x x
Unlimited Re-issuance
World-Class Telephone
& Email Support



$89.95 / year


$129.95 / year


$199.95 / year

Why buy SSL Certificates from :DomainIt?

We're offering you the same SSL Certificate that we use on our site because we trust it and want only the best for our customers. Our Certificates offer very competitive warranties, giving you piece of mind and ensuring your visitors' safety. Our certificates are among the most recognized by web browsers, and like all our services, you can expect outstanding, personal support from DomainIt.
Using SSL Certificates

You should use SSL if:

placeholderWe make setting up SSL Certificates, fast, easy, and inexpensive!
  • you accept online orders with credit cards or any other payment methods.
  • your website allows visitors to create user accounts or memberships.
  • you process any sensitive data about your visitors.
  • you want visitors to feel safe and confident on your website.
Plan Features

Your Satisfaction is Our #1 Priority.

If you need any assistance with
SSL Certificates, please feel
free to contact us.


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Providing Reliable Website Services Since 1996 ICANN Accredited Registrar DomainIT is a COMODO Authentic Site, Secured by SSL

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