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Company Overview


From building a web blog to starting an online store, DomainIt caters to a variety of web hosting needs at affordable prices. All accounts include WebBasedMail at your domain, lots of email addresses with spam and virus filters, free web scripts, and top of the line visitor statistics enabling you to view stats on who's visiting your website, on which pages, at what times of the day and lots more in depth information allowing you to maximize your website's potential.

Our web hosting servers have outstanding uptime, so you can concentrate on your website and not your provider. DomainIt is also happy to offer all hosting plans on a monthly basis in addition to the standard annual terms, because we understand that committing to a new provider can be intimidating. We are confident that our services speak for themselves, and will convince you to remain a DomainIt customer.

If you're ready to set up your first website, or you're tired of the downtime, lack of services and poor customer service at your current provider, consider DomainIt hosting. Our prices are low, you get a multitude of features, and our customer service is unmatched. Check out the following links to learn more about our hosting plans and launch your website today with NO set up fees:


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Website Tools


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For questions, comments or assistance visit our help desk at any time.

Your Satisfaction is Our #1 Priority.

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Providing Reliable Website Services Since 1996 ICANN Accredited Registrar DomainIT is a COMODO Authentic Site, Secured by SSL

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